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This post gives a quick overview of what readers can expect from this website and explains what the key focal points are.

Welcome to Best Fed Cats!
...we want all cats to benefit
Raw feeding is the optimal diet for the modern house cat. But even if raw feeding is not your thing, please stick around! There are still many other ways to improve your cat's diet that we are eager to share with you.
So, all cats can benefit from the info on this website, no matter the chosen diet.
...our mission and vision
We strive to improve the lives of cats through diet. We know that, to improve health, we should eat natural, fresh, whole foods that burst with live nutrients. Strangely, we don't embrace this wisdom for our cats.
We feed them the exact opposite – ultra processed, man-made foods. On this website, we offer new insights on how to feed cats a more healthy diet that is in line with their biology and universal food truths.
...what makes this website different?
We provide information to bring change and foster skills. See it as a one-stop learning centre on how to improve the feline diet.
In this space cat carers will gain the knowledge to take charge of their cat’s diet – modestly or even fully. Cool right?
...something for everyone
We want to meet you and your cat wherever you are in your cat's food journey.
We offer a collection of free blog posts on the feline diet and other interesting cat topics. A collection of eBooks tackle central but general dietary topics. They are hugely discounted – up to 100% even – to members, subscribers and supporters.
Or they can be purchased by visitors at a steal. Check out these very useful eBooks and discover how they can be yours.
...get a taste
Raw feeding lessons are becoming available to teach you how to become a raw feeding 'cat chef'. If you subscribe, you can sample the first three introductory lessons and their downloadable resources for free.
...want to meet the founder?
You can meet the fat cat behind this website and learn more about how this passion project came about. Come on – don't be shy. Pop in and get to know her a little.
...we all have to eat
All of the materials on this website are crafted with love and care. And we shower you with lots of it for free – with compliments from us to you and your furry crew.
But we also need your love and support. Go to the Your Perks page for more information on different ways in which you can support Best Fed Cats. Your support will allow us to continue with research, content creation and expansion of our raw feeding school.
Stay a while and browse – your cat will love you for it!

The information provided on the website is educational and informational. We are here to give guidance on how to feed a properly balanced raw diet. We also offer advice on how to improve the diet of the modern house cat. Please note that we are not veterinarians. We are not here to give veterinary advice. Best Fed Cats will not be held responsible for any adverse reactions to your cat based on the information on our website. The health of your cat depends entirely on you. We expect you to use your knowledge of your cats, their circumstances and their health – in conjunction with a trusted veterinarian – to determine if any advice provided on this site is appropriate for your cats.