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Explore our collection of eBooks on general feline diet topics

Our list of available eBooks:

  1. Why is Commercial Cat Food So Bad? Part 1 - The Problems with Cat Food
  2. Why is Commercial Cat Food So Bad? Part 2 - Health Implications for Cats
  3. Why is Commercial Cat Food So Bad? Part 3 - The Solutions
  4. Dietary Improvements on a Shoestring Budget
  5. How to Find the Best Wet Cat Food

1. Part 1 - The Problems with Cat Food

Why Is Commercial Cat Food So Bad? Part 1 – The Problems with Cat Food.

This in-depth discussion of commercial cat food is presented over three parts. It covers a wide range of topics on traditional cat foods aimed at helping cat carers learn as much as possible about the foods they are feeding. It looks closely at expert opinions, the research, the facts and the fallacies.

This part – Part 1 – offers a 50+ page discussion of the nature of conventional cat food and what it is about the food that makes it so controversial and problematic. Read more about this eBook here.

The Buy button will take you to our shop on Buy Me A Coffee. All items can be purchased (and discounted) there.

Buy Part 1 for $3

2. Part 2 - Health Implications for Cats

Why is Commercial Cat Food So Bad? Part 2 – The Health Implication for Cats.

This in-depth discussion of commercial cat food is presented over three parts. It covers a wide range of topics on traditional cat foods aimed at helping cat carers learn as much as possible about the foods they are feeding. It looks closely at expert opinions, the research, the facts and the fallacies.

This part – Part 2 – offers a 40+ page discussion of exactly how the health of cats is affected and why. Read more about this eBook here.

The Buy button will take you to our shop on Buy Me A Coffee. All items can be purchased (and discounted) there.

Buy Part 2 for $3

3. Part 3 - The Solutions

Why is Commercial Cat Food So Bad? Part 3 – The Solutions.

This in-depth discussion of commercial cat food is presented over three parts. It covers a wide range of topics on traditional cat foods aimed at helping cat carers learn as much as possible about the foods they are feeding. It looks closely at expert opinions, the research, the facts and the fallacies.

This part – Part 3 – offers a 40+ page discussion of workable solutions and ideas to minimise identified risks. Read more about this eBook here.

The Buy button will take you to our shop on Buy Me A Coffee. All items can be purchased (and discounted) there.

Buy Part 3 for $3

4. Dietary Improvements on a Shoestring Budget

Dietary Improvements on a Shoestring Budget

This 30 page discussion looks at ways to improve the cat's overall diet when commercial foods are all a household can afford. It provides tips, tricks, strategies and simple food choices to provide a better, more healthful diet on a tight budget.

It also provides feeding strategies that better protect feline health on commercial diets. Read more about this eBook here OR Subscribe to qualify for 100% discount on this eBook!

The Buy button will take you to our shop on Buy Me A Coffee. All items can be purchased (and discounted) there.

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5. How to Find the Best Wet Cat Food

How to Find the Best Wet Cat Food

This 30+ page discussion looks at ways to identify the best wet (canned) cat food. Knowing what to look for, one will be able to find the best option within any price category. It cuts through the sales talk, provides points to look at, aspects to consider and guidance on how to decipher product descriptions and labels.

Feeding strategies that best serve feline health are explored. Read more about this eBook here OR Subscribe to qualify for 100% discount on this eBook!

The Buy button will take you to our shop on Buy Me A Coffee. All items can be purchased (and discounted) there.

Buy for $2